Learning support and resource teaching is an integral part of Nagle Community College. It is provided by the Special Needs Team which comprises two learning support teachers, Ms Juliet Moylan and Ms. Zoey Fehilly , and other committed and dedicated members of staff. Ms Moylan holds the position of Learning Support Coordinator.
Our learning support programme is provided on an individual or small group basis.
Specific programmes, timetables , team teaching and a variety of educational resource materials are provided to meet the special needs and requirements of these students.
The learning support programme works in tandem with the Junior Certificate Schools Programme (JCSP), School Completion Programme, and all subject teachers where appropriate.
Learning support in Nagle Community School is organised to be a fun, happy and secure experience to help pupils with learning difficulties to develop to their full potential. Those who would benefit from learning support are provided with clear support plans in conjunction with their parents.
An IEP (individual educational plan) is developed for some pupils. Teaching progresses with a multi-sensory and individualised approach to learning spelling, reading and writing. Additional help, if required, is available in mathematics and other subjects.
Application is made to the Department of Education on behalf of all SEN pupils for special arrangements in both the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate examinations.
At Nagle Community College, English as an Additional Language (EAL) is available as part of our learning support program for students whose home language is not English, provided as needed. This support is led by our dedicated EAL teacher, Ms. Tetianna Ketiukha and EAL SNA , Ms Shauna Twohig .