Please see attached information leaflet in relation to progress of works on Avenue De Rennes, Lakeland Crescent & Mahon Drive.
We are due to complete road resurfacing on Lakeland Crescent between the 4th & 7th of February & will be following onto Avenue De Rennes between Holy Cross Church & the Red Cove 10th of Feb to 14th of Feb. This section of Avenue De Rennes would not be accessible for Drop/off or collection between 0915 & 1900. Main points to note from a health & safety perspective would be:
- Heavy machinery will be operating on the carriageway while resurfacing is on going. While this will be segregated with barriers we would ask that school goes stick to the pedestrian routes provided.
- Drop off/collection on Lakeland crescent during the resurfacing works increases the likelihood of children crossing the road at unsafe locations, hence we are requesting school goers/staff utilise the carpark where possible.
- The new signalised pedestrian crossing is now in operation on Avenue De Rennes which will provide a safe crossing point for students/staff.
- Footpaths along the west side of Avenue De Rennes are now fully open.
- Resurfacing would take place from the 10th of Feb to 14th of Feb.
We acknowledge that this will cause some inconvenience to school goers and appreciate your patience.